Important Mycenaean finds at Dromolaxia-Vyzakia in Cyprus

During five weeks in May and June 2017, a Swedish team, headed by Professor Peter M. Fischer from the University of Gothenburg, carried out excavations at the Late Cypriot harbour city of Hala Sultan Tekke. The team consisted of 28 students and specialists. Amongst the latter were those trained in osteology, botany, conservation, and Aegean and Near Eastern ceramics. Late Minoan II/IIIA1 complete piriform jar of medium size [Credit: Dept. of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus] Hypothetical estimations of the size of the city vary between roughly 25 and 50 hectares. A large-scale geophysical survey was planned for June 2017 which is expected to provide more information about the actual size of the city. In 2017, two areas were of specific interest to the general research objectives of this long-term project: City Quarter 1 (CQ1) and Area A. CQ1 is one of three city quarters which have been discovered by geophysical prospecting and partly exposed by the expedition since 2010. The other...